Kim Kardashian revealed that she refrains from smiling when posing for photos to avoid getting more wrinkles. But truth be told, age will catch up with her sooner or later!
However, the good news for her (and for all of us too) is that thanks to modern science and technology, we can delay those undesirable signs of ageing – and keep on smiling!
Wrinkles are the creases, folds or ridges that creep up ever so silently on us as time goes by.
Dynamic Wrinkles
These are the first wrinkles to appear on our face, and tend to occur due to the facial movements like smiling, laughing, squinting or frowning, which cause the facial muscles to contract and the facial skin to be stretched.
Static Wrinkles
These types of wrinkles occur due to the loss in skin elasticity caused by factors like sun exposure and smoking. They remain permanent even when the facial muscles are relaxed. Dynamic wrinkles also eventually become static wrinkles over time.
Common dynamic and static wrinkles include:
Worry lines – due to contraction of corrugator supercilii muscles and procerus muscles in the forehead when we are concentrating or angry.
Frown lines – due to contraction of the frontalis muscle when raising the eyebrows.
Crow’s feet – due to activity of the eyelid muscles (orbicularis oculi) when we squint, smile or laugh.
Wrinkle Folds
These are deep grooves in specific areas of the face that occur when the underlying facial structures (fats, muscles, skin) start to sag. wrinkle folds include the:
- Nasolabial folds between the nose and mouth
- Marionette lines in the chin area
- Lip lines around the lips (aka. smoker’s lines)
An individual’s genetic makeup plays a major role in how well (or not) he or she ages. Some people age prematurely while others look much younger than their age even in their twilight years.
As we grow older, our body’s natural abilities to repair and renew itself deteriorate. The slowdown in the regeneration of collagen and elastin – two vital building blocks of cells – causes our skin to become thinner and drier, and thus less firm and elastic. Our skin’s ability to protect itself from damage is also reduced as we age. Eventually, wrinkles, creases and lines form on our skin, and they increase and deepen into furrows and grooves.
Fine lines and wrinkles arise because of irregular thickening of the dermis and a decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis, damage to the cells caused by free radicals resulting from uv exposure and environmental toxins like tobacco smoke.
Our skin is at the mercy of many destructive forces, such as the sun’s harmful uv rays and our unhealthy lifestyle habits; a combination of factors, including our regular sleeping position, the amount of water we consume daily, whether we smoke or not, the use of certain medications, the frequency and amount of sun exposure and the ways in which we protect ourselves against harmful uv rays, can influence the extent to which wrinkles develop.
Disclaimer: The material contained in this is for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for doctor’s advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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