Peri-orbital Rejuvenation for Treatment of Dark Eye Circles
“The eyes are the window to your soul”. In today’s competitive and stressful society, dark eye circles are becoming a more prevalent aesthetic concern.
The treatment of dark eye circles is one of my favourite topics as I have a keen interest, when discussing options with my patients. The treatment of dark eye circles requires addressing its root cause(s) for optimum aesthetic results.
Dark eye circles occur as a result of a combination of the following factors:
- Volume Loss
- Thin Skin
- Pigmentation
- Vascular Changes
- Undereye Wrinkles
- Eyebag
- Volume Loss
With age, there is resorption of bone and decrease in soft tissue density around the eyes resulting in tear trough hollowness.Solution: Fillers.
I use customised low-viscosity fillers depending on severity and extent of tear trough hollowness. Injecting fillers at the correct depth will yield optimum natural results with no to low downtime (swelling, bruising).
- Thin Skin
Thin skin below the eyes are a result of loss of collagen caused by sun damage and ageing. As a result, blood vessels can become more prominent.Solutions: Eye creams, Lasers, High-intense focused ultrasound (HIFU).
Medical grade eye creams containing a combination of retinol, vitamin A and C, peptides, ceramides and hyaluronic acid, can help to stimulate collagen formation. Creams in combination with lasers and HIFU yield a synergistic effect in improvement of skin laxity as a contributing factor of dark eye circles.
Lasers using customised long-pulse settings can help to stimulate collagen and thicken the skin below the eyes.
Skin laxity can be tightened using medical grade HIFU to target the deep, fat layers of the skin to stimulate collagen formation, resulting in skin tightening.
- Pigmentation
Undereye hyperpigmentation can be caused by sun damage. Prevention- SPF 50+ broad-spectrum sunscreen for both UVA and UVB protection.Solution: Laser.
Lasers with customised settings by an experienced physician can effectively reduce dark eye circles resulting from sun damage.
- Vascular Changes
Medical conditions such as sinusitis and allergy cause congestion of blood vessels and fluid retention below the eyes.Solution: Oral Anti-histamines.
Oral anti-histamines taken at a low dose short treatment course can help to treat sinusitis and allergy, reducing the appearance of dark eye circles caused by vascular changes.
- Undereye wrinkles
Undereye wrinkles give the appearance of an aged look. Dark contours and shadows caused by undereye wrinkles worsen the appearance of dark eye circles contributed by the other factors.Solution: Botulinum Toxin
After examining the patient, if he/ she is suitable for treatment, I inject precisely minute amounts of Botulinum Toxin to relax the pre-tarsal muscles to reduce undereye dynamic wrinkles. This is safe and effective in reducing undereye wrinkles and therefore the appearance of dark eye circles.
- Eyebag
Eyebag refers to the undereye orbital fat that can protrude more in certain patients.Solution: Eye threads
I perform eye threads to help flatten and reduce the appearance of undereye orbital fat. This is a quick procedure with minimal discomfort and downtime.In summary, peri-orbital rejuvenation in the treatment of dark eye circles requires first identifying the contributing factor(s). I tailor a customised treatment plan with a multi-pronged approach to yield optimum aesthetic results for my patients.
Dr David Deng
8 Medical Aesthetic Clinic
Disclaimer: The material contained in this is for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for doctor’s advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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